In honour of two popes who are saints
Women's reflections, testimonies and gratitude
A woman on a journey with John XXIII and John Paul II -- Elisabetta Buscarini
June 1963. In a corner of the room the television had been left on – a rare occurrence. On the screen there was Saint Peter’s Square with throngs of people gathered there to say a final goodbye to Pope John XXIII. I remember the pope’s remains with the waxen face, the voice of the commentator, the words, and probably the expression on the face of my grandmother, my father and my mother when they said, “the pope is dead”. They told me about the way he had shown people how to see Jesus, about his kindness to everyone, and about his caress for children. I was four years old, and everything remained imprinted on my mind. It is one of the earliest memories I have. John XXIII is also imprinted on my heart, like soft wax, making an indelible mark on my life with a special seal. It is grateful love that has been an anchor for me ever since that time.
John Paul II came onto the scene when I was in my twenties. He was part of those years of growth and decisions, my journey to adult life.
His... Read more
La donna nell’insegnamento di Papa Giovanni XXIII e Papa Giovanni Paolo II - Oana Gotia
Quale luce sulla specificità dell’essere e sul ruolo della donna nella Chiesa e nel mondo ci offrono i due grandi Papi che stanno per essere canonizzati? Giovanni XXIII, che ha convocato il Concilio Vaticano II, e Giovanni Paolo II, il grande “Papa della famiglia”? Entrambi i Pontefici hanno parlato ampiamente sulla donna nei loro insegnamenti, aiutandola a diventare più consapevole della sua chiamata singolare nel mondo. Ecco una breve sintesi... Read more -
Giovanni Paolo II e la teologia della liberazione della donna -- Maria Teresa Russo
1. Due Papi, un’unica passione: il valore della persona umana Per indicare i giovani nati intorno al 1989 qualcuno ha coniato il termine di “John Paul II generation”[1]. A circa 25 anni di distanza quella generation, ormai adulta, assiste a una canonizzazione che non è azzardato definire storica sia per la rapidità e il consenso pressoché unanime, sia per l’accostamento di due figure epocali nella storia della Chiesa. E’ infatti fuori... Read more
Two Popes with One Vision -- Sister Mary Madeline Todd O.P.
Where was God in the 20th century? As in all centuries, the Spirit hovered over creation during that often dark period. Where the door... Read more -
The fragrant perfume of their holiness -- Obianuju Ekeocha
It is indeed a time of great grace for us all to watch and witness the phenomenal unfolding of the days to come when two of our recent beloved popes,... Read more -
From "the ends of the earth" -- Brenda Finlayson
With thanks to the Holy Spirit, it is appropriate to appreciate the wonder of the gifts of two specific papal conclaves in the 20th Century.... Read more -
From Sign of the Times to Feminine Genius -- Joyce Martin
While, for chronological reasons, we are more familiar with John Paul II and his work on the woman, one can perhaps observe that the Polish Pope’s... Read more
Un regalo de Dios que sigue transformando el mundo -- Mónica Santamarina de Robles
El próximo 27 de abril se llevará a cabo la canonización de dos grandes papas. Dos nuevos santos que, para dirigir a la Iglesia Universal, eligieron llamarse como el discípulo amado de Jesús: Juan XXIII y Juan Pablo II. Para nosotros los... Read more -
De Juan XXIII a Juan Pablo II -- Eva Carlota Rava
La declaración de Juan XXIII en su encíclica Pacem in terris, señaló un antes y un después en la enseñanza magisterial respecto de la presencia de la mujer en el mundo y en la Iglesia. Por primera vez el ingreso de la mujer en la vida pública era... Read more -
La dimensión materna del ministerio petrino -- Carmen Álvarez Alonso
Resulta aún sobrecogedor el recuerdo de aquel clamor multitudinario que resonó en la Plaza de san Pedro durante el funeral de Juan Pablo II, celebrado el 8 de abril de 2005. Aquel “santo subito!”, que unió a miles de peregrinos en el... Read more
Les cloches carillonneront joyeusement -- Anne Girault
Le dimanche 27 Avril 2014, sur la place Saint Pierre à Rome, les cloches carillonneront joyeusement. Les bienheureux Jean XXIII et Jean-Paul II seront proclamés saints. Toute l’Eglise jubilera en cette Fête de la Miséricorde: l’Eglise visible sur la Terre et l’Eglise invisible qui est au Ciel. Que signifie, pour l’Église, et en particulier pour les femmes catholiques d’aujourd’hui, la canonisation de ces deux Papes? Mon témoignage est une... Read more -
Les Papes des grands défis -- Jocelyne Khoueiry
Face aux grands défis du vingtième siècle et au milieu de mutations scientifiques, culturelles et politiques qui ont secoué ce siècle considéré par certains penseurs comme le siècle de la mort, l’œuvre de l’Esprit Saint a été retentissante à travers l’exemple des deux grands papes dont l’Église proclame la sainteté le 27 avril 2014. La révolution industrielle, les deux Guerres mondiales, avec toutes leurs retombées socioculturelles,... Read more
Magisterium of Saint John XXIII on women
Letter of Pope John XXIII to women religious "Il Tempio Massimo" (July 2, 1962) [English, Italian, Spanish]
Encyclical Letter "Pacem in Terris", by Pope John XXIII (April 11, 1963), nos 9 and 22 [English, French, Italian, Spanish]
Address of John XXIII to participants in study seminar on «Women and professional life», organised by "Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore" (September 6, 1961)
[Italian, Spanish]
Address of Pope John XXIII to delegates of World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations (3rd May 1961) [Spanish]
Address of Pope John XXIII to the participants in the World Young Women's Christian Association (April 23, 1960) [Spanish]
Address of John XXIII to the women religious of Rome (January 29, 1960)
[Italian, Spanish]
Address of Pope John XXIII to the female youth of Catholic Action on the occasion of its 40th anniversary of foundation (January 10,... Read more
Magisterium of Saint John Paul II on women
“Divini amoris scientia” Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face is proclaimed a Doctor of the Universal Church Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II 19 October 1997
[English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish]
Audience of His Holiness John Paul II 29 Novembre 1995 [Italian, Spanish]
To members of the Delegation of the Holy See to the Fourth World Conference on Women 29 August 1995 [English, Italian, Spanish]
Angelus of His Holiness John Paul II
9 July 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
16 July 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
23 July 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
30 July 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
6 August 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
13 August 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
15 August 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
20 August 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
27 August... Read more