“Divini amoris scientia” Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face is proclaimed a Doctor of the Universal Church Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II 19 October 1997
[English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish]
Audience of His Holiness John Paul II 29 Novembre 1995 [Italian, Spanish]
To members of the Delegation of the Holy See to the Fourth World Conference on Women 29 August 1995 [English, Italian, Spanish]
Angelus of His Holiness John Paul II
- 9 July 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
- 16 July 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
- 23 July 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
- 30 July 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
- 6 August 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
- 13 August 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
- 15 August 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
- 20 August 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
- 27 August 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
- 3 September 1995
[Italian, Spanish]
Letter of His Holiness John Paul II to Women 29 June 1995
[English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
Letter of His Holiness John Paul II to Mrs. Gertrude Mongella Secretary general of the fourth World Conference on women of the United Nations 26 May 1995 [English, Italian, Spanish]
Letter of the Holy Father John Paul II to priests for Holy Thursday of 1995 25 March 1995 [English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
“Women: teachers of peace” Message of His Holiness John Paul II for the XXVIII World Day of Peace 1 January 1995
[English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
Angelus of His Holiness John Paul II 14 August 1994
Address by Pope John Paul II to participants in the Congress organised by Italian Episcopal Conference on occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Mulieris Dignitatem 4 December 1993
[Italian, Spanish]
Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation “Christifideles laici” of His Holiness John Paul II, n. 51 30 December 1988
[English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish]
“Mulieris dignitatem” Apostolic Letter of His Holiness John Paul II on the dignity and vocation of women on the occasion of the Marian Year 15 August 1988
[English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish]
Angelus of His Holiness John Paul II 16 August 1987 [Italian, Spanish]
Address by Pope John Paul II to participants in the National Congress of CIF (Centro Italiano Femminile) 14 December 1985 [Italian, Spanish]
- Catechesis of His Holiness John Paul II:
- The meaning of man's original solitude 10 October 1979
[Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Solitude prepares man for communion 24 October 1979
[Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
- The original unity of man and woman 7 November 1979
[Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
- By the communion of persons man becomes the image of God 14 November 1979
[Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Mystery of woman revealed in motherhood 12 March 1980
[Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
- The meaning of man's original solitude 10 October 1979