Union of Catholic Apostolate
UAC (Unione dell’Apostolato Cattolico)
UAC was founded by St Vincenzo Pallotti (1795-1850) a Roman priest. After Holy Mass one day, he was inspired by the Lord to establish "a Pious Union to remain perpetually in the Church of Jesus Christ like a Gospel Bugle, summoning all, awakening the zeal and the charity of all the faithful of whatever state, degree or condition, so that all, in all times, may cooperate to enhance, defend and propagate charity and the Catholic faith". That same year, UAC received "every blessing" from the then Cardinal Vicar, Carlo Odescalchi and "a thousand blessings" from Gregory XVI. On 28 October 2003, the Pontifical Council for the Laity decreed recognition of the Unione dell’Apostolato Cattolico to be an international association of the faithful of Pontifical Right.
UAC is a communion of the faithful which fosters in all baptised Christians the awareness of their apostolic calling and co-responsibility. The pedagogy of the association, whose fundamental objectives are set out by the General Coordination Council, are designed to instruct the faithful in every state of life, in respect for every vocation, to live the charisms according to the mystery of the Church as communion, and to direct them to apostolic cooperation. Following the example of the Founder, the members set out to enter into the dynamism of the infinite and merciful love of the Trinity in order to discover and live the image and likeness of infinite Charity, which is impressed on us at the beginning of creation, and to enable all baptised Christians to give that love which renews all things. The means used are those of every age: meditation on Holy Scripture, the Eucharistic celebration, prayer, sharing the faith, reconciliation and following Christ with the acceptance of the Cross in every situation in life.
The governing bodies of UAC are: The General Coordination Council made up of the President, the ex officio members and the elected members, which is responsible for guaranteeing the internal unity of the Union, enhancing its apostolic effectiveness and recognising the national structures; the National Coordination Councils, which have authority over the territory of the corresponding Bishops’ Conference, encouraging the opportunities and the instruments for instruction, at the service of the various parts of the Union, formally admitting the members and managing the financial resources; the Local Coordination Councils, whose purpose is to unite the members to perform the mission of the Union, to be cenacles receptive to the signs of the times, to attend to training and to help the local Church; the Secretariat and the Secretary General, the General Assembly and the General Congress. The Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Union is the Rector General of the Society of Catholic Apostolate. Individuals may join UAC, as may members belonging to one of the de jure communities, as co-workers.
UAC has some 9,500 members in 42 countries as follows: Africa (9), Asia (3), Europe (18), North America (4), Oceania (2), and South America (6).
UAC manages cultural, spiritual and charitable works, such as university institutes in Brazil, Cameroon, Germany, India and Poland; publishing houses and printing houses; catechesis centres; youth and pastoral care centres; retreat houses; spirituality and animation centres; hospitals; and leprosy hospital in India; hospices for the terminally ill in Poland; therapeutic communities and centres for the disabled; orphanages and family hostels; a social Secretariat for life, in Rome.
Acta Societatis Apostolatus Catholici, published yearly; UAC Newsletter, published every two months; periodical publications at the national level.
Unione dell’Apostolato Cattolico
Piazza San Vincenzo Pallotti, 204 - 00186 Roma - Italy
Tel. [+39]06.6819469 - Fax 06.6876827