International Federation of Catholic Parochial Youth Movements
FIMCAP (Fédération Internationale des Mouvements Catholiques d’Action Paroissiale)
The origins of FIMCAP date back to the 1950s when the leaders of Catholic youth movements from France, Belgium and the Netherlands, drew up a project in 1959 in Lucerne, Switzerland, to form an international organisation. The first conference of delegates of the General Parish Youth Communities was held in Munich, Germany, in the course of the 1960 Eucharistic Congress. In October 1961, 11 youth associations created FIMCAP, and its institution was formalised at Easter, 1962. In the 1970s the structure of the Federation emerged more clearly, and the first activities began and working programmes were planned for cooperation between the member associations in the form of a partnership. This was to strengthen the solidarity uniting them, and to open them up to the world dimension. Recognised by the Holy See as an International Catholic Organisation, FIMCAP was a member of the Conference of ICOs.
FIMCAP is made up of Catholic parish and nonparish organisations for young people. The member associations draft and implement projects to animate groups of young people and children, and provide them with spiritual direction based on the principles and values of the Gospel. The formation pathway offered aims at educating young people and children to share and work together, and to nurture their awareness of belonging to a world community. FIMCAP pursues its objectives by organising conferences, meetings, holiday camps, and promoting forms of twinning and exchange schemes between the affiliated associations.
FIMCAP is managed by the General Assembly, made up of the leaders from all the affiliated associations which meets every three years with decision- aking powers; the Intercontinental Praesidium, to which the President, Ecclesiastical Assistant and the General Secretary belong; the Intercontinental Council, which comprises the Intercontinental Praesidium, the European Praesidium and the African Praesidium; the Euroconference, which groups together the leaders of the European associations and decides on the activities of the European branch, which the Eurocouncil is responsible for implementing; the Afroconference, which groups together the leaders of the African associations and decides on the activities of the African branch, which the Afrocouncil is responsible for implementing. FIMCAP has full members, associate members (non-Catholic Christian associations working with young people), observers and invited members.
FIMCAP has 35 member associations in 33 countries as follows: Africa (10), Asia (3), Europe (14), North America (2), and South America (4).
Link, a bimonthly newsletter in French and English
Fédération Internationale des Mouvements Catholiques d’Action Paroissiale
Kipdorf 30 - 2000 Antwerpen - Belgium
Tel. [+32] 3.2310795 - Fax 3.2325162