
The Pontifical Council for the Laity

Pontifical Council for the Laity: an illustrative booklet

  What is it the Pontifical Council for the Laity? What is its identity, institutional aims,... Read more

International Associations of the Faithful. Directory

International Associations of the Faithful. Directory

  In 2004 the Pontifical Council for the Laity brought out a Directory of International... Read more

"Laity Today" Collection

  • Coaches: Educating People

    Sports merit particular attention within a number of contexts, including widespread educational emergencies, or where there are gaps within traditional educational structures, such as in the family or in school. It is important to focus on this theme because although sports are a precious... Read more
  • “God Entrusts the Human Being to the Woman”

    The twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication of John Paul II’s apostolic letter Mulieris Dignitatem is a wonderful opportunity to give new impetus to reflection on the issue of women in today’s world. The importance of the document is perhaps even more apparent today than twenty-five years ago.... Read more
  • Rediscovering Baptism

    "To understand the significance of the sacrament of Baptism is to grasp the essence of the life, the mission and the dignity of the Christian. In order to reflect on the necessity for Christians today of a 'renewed appreciation of Baptism as the basis of Christian living' (Tertio Millennio... Read more
  • Movements in the Church

      In May 1998 the Pontifical Council for the Laity convened the World Congress of the Ecclesial Movements (the proceedings of which are being published here), with the aim of promoting a better knowledge of these organizations that in various ways are enriching the life of the Church today. On... Read more
  • Rediscovering Confirmation

    The focus of the 18th Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity [the proceedings of which are being published here] was the importance of Confirmation in the life of Christians. Reflection on this sacramente represented the ideal continuation of that on Baptism during the previous... Read more
  • The Ecclesial Movements in the Pastoral Concern of the Bishops

      In the teachings that John Paul II has dedicated to the ecclesial movements and the new communities ever since the beginning of his pontificate, the relation between the charismatic dimension of the Church and her institutional dimension returns again and again. Recently he wrote: “I have... Read more
  • The Congress of Catholic Laity

    The present publication contains the proceedings of the Congress of Catholic Laity held in Rome, under the auspices of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, from 25 to 30 November 2000 on the theme: “Witnesses of Christ in the new millennium”.   Incorporated in the official calendar of the... Read more
  • Rediscovering the Eucharist

      "Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist are the sacraments that constitutes the very identity of the Christian who is fashioned and fed by them. For the lay faithful, acquiring a full grasp of their meaning and significance therefore means understanding the very essence of their lives,... Read more
  • Men and Women. Diversity and Mutual Complementarity

      Contemporary culture is challenging the most vital aspects of the existence of the human being, in ways that go so far as to overturn our understanding of human nature, and particularly of human sexual identity and relations between the sexes. This is a distortion that is inevitably... Read more
  • The World of Sport Today: a Field of Christian Mission

      The practice of sport, which dates back to the dawn of human history, has now become firmly established as a mass phenomenon without equal precedent. According to some scholars, sport’s capacity to engage huge crowds of people on a planetary scale, and to straddle geographic, social,... Read more
  • The Beauty of Being a Christian. Movements in the Church

      "This volume contains the texts of the various interventions and meditations that accompanied the celebration of Vespers on the vigil of Pentecost, presided over by the Supreme Pontiff in St. Peter's Square on 3 June 2006 in the presence of over a hundred ecclesial movements and new... Read more
  • Sport: an Educational and Pastoral Challenge

      "... Together with its extraordinary educational potential, sport can also play a decisive role in helping people to find a greater sense of meaning in a life that is subject to serious moral or physical challenges, such as the many disabled people who regain a sense of self esteem and... Read more
  • Pastors and Ecclesial Movements

      How can we welcome these extraordinary gifts into the living fabric of our local Churches? How can we accompany them pastorally in their day-to-day service to the mission of the Church so that they can be more fruitful? What can we do to avoid “extinguishing the Spirit” that is blowing so... Read more
  • Woman and Man: the Humanum in its Entirety

      This is a publication of the proceedings of an international congress held from 7 to 9 February 2008 in Rome on the same theme: “Woman and man, the humanum in its entirety”, commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the apostolic letter Mulieris Dignitatem, the first document from the... Read more
  • Sport, Education, Faith: Towards a New Season for Catholic Sports Associations

        What difference does God make in the world of sport? What does our faith bring to the practice of a sport? What makes a Catholic sports association different from another one? What is its proper identity and mission? What contribution does the Catholic sports movement in general make... Read more
  • Proclaiming Jesus Christ in Asia Today

    Conscious of being the repository of a message of salvation for all of humanity – salvation brought by Jesus Christ, the only Redeemer of humankind – the Church knows that faith in Jesus Christ is the most precious gift that can be given to the people who live on this continent (Cf. JOHN... Read more

"Youth" Collection

  • Together on the European roads

    Together on the European Roads, 3rd European Meeting on Youth Ministry, 21-24 September 1998, Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1999 (€10). Read more
  • Youth Jubilee

    Youth Jubilee - Rome 2000, VII International Youth Forum and XV World Youth Day, 12-20 August 2000 (€ 10,00). Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2001. Read more
  • Youth and University

    Youth and University: Witnessing to Christ in the University World, Proceedings of the 8th International Youth Forum, 31 March - 4 April 2004, Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2005 (€10). Read more
  • Youth and work

    Youth and Work: Witnessing to Christ in the World of Work, Proceedings of the 9th International Youth Forum, Rocca di Papa 28 March - 1st April 2007, Libreria Editrice vaticana 2008 (€15). Read more

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On 1 September 2016 the

Pontifical Council for the Laity
ceased its activities.
Its responsibilities and duties
have been taken over by the
Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life.