We must take care of our Faith

In these days we are living a particularly significant moment for the life of the Church. On October 11th we celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, the Council that gave rise to “the hour of the laity” in the Church. Pope Benedict XVI opened the Year of Faith, wanted by him as a response to the serious crisis of faith taking place mostly in the Western world. The awaited Synod of Bishops on the new evangelisation is taking place. All of these events are very important for the vocation and mission of Catholic men in the Church and the world.

What is the common denominator of all of these celebrations? I believe that faith is at the centre. Faith is the basis of Christian life. Without faith, everything else falls apart. Pope Benedict XVI continues to remind us that the fundamental question for humankind today is the question of God and God’s place in the lives of human beings. The erosion of faith from the lives of the baptised has reached proportions that are of great concern today. The Pope invites us all “to think about our faith and to revive it in a new way”. This is the big challenge presented to each one of us by the Church during the Year of Faith. We must try to rediscover the extraordinary value of the gift of faith that we have received from God in baptism. It is a great evangelical treasure, and we should be ready to put everything we have into achieving it.

Faith is not an issue that can be solved once and for all. It is an ongoing challenge in our lives. We must take care of our faith with a deep sense of responsibility. Faith is like a living plant that will die if it is not cared for and nourished... To nurture our faith is to know its essential contents... It is frightening to see how many Christians today are ignorant of their faith!... Therefore, the Catechism of the Catholic Church should be a companion on the journey of life of each one of us...

Message from the President

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On 1 September 2016 the

Pontifical Council for the Laity
ceased its activities.
Its responsibilities and duties
have been taken over by the
Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life.

