The young people of Ukraine are carrying the WYD Cross and Icon of the Mother of God through the streets of their cities and into their churches – Roman Catholic, Eastern Catholic and Orthodox. In their prayers around the Cross, they speak of the way they feel connected to young people all over the world who have already touched the Cross and Icon, and how this visit is reinforcing unity among the people of Ukraine who come from different Christian traditions. They particularly feel united to the people of Eastern Ukraine who are living in a situation of conflict as this time, and their prayer around the Cross is a cry for peace and a sign of solidarity. The youth have been carrying the Cross and Icon to the busiest parts of their cities to reach out to everyone, old and young, with a message of peace and hope.
The WYD Cross and Icon are travelling the countries of Eastern Europe before going to Poland for the last stage of the journey to World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow. Before going to Ukraine, the pilgrimage covered vast distances in Russia. After Ukraine, the Cross and Icon will go to Moldova to connect with the young people there.