The world of sport today: a field of Christian mission
International Sport Seminar
Rome, 11-12 November 2005
The world of sport today: a field of Christian mission
Our “Church and sport” section conducted an international seminar on the theme “The Christian mission in the field of sport today” this past November 11th and 12th at the offices of the Pontifical Council for the Laity. It was a unique and historic event for both this new section as well as the Holy See in that it was the first time a Vatican office had dedicated a seminar to the study of the global phenomenon of sport. The idea behind the... Read more
Proceedings of the Seminar
The practice of sport, which dates back to the dawn of human history, has now become firmly established as a mass phenomenon without equal precedent. According to some scholars, sport’s capacity to engage huge crowds of people on a planetary scale, and to straddle geographic, social, economic and language barriers, makes it one of the most... Read more
Preface to the Proceedings of the Seminar
The practice of sport, which dates back to the dawn of human history, has now become firmly established as a mass phenomenon without equal precedent. According to some scholars, sport’s capacity to engage huge crowds of people on a planetary scale, and to straddle geographic, social, economic and... Read more
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