Pan African Congress for the Catholic Laity
Being witnesses of Jesus Christ
in Africa today
“Salt of the earth...light of the World (Mt. 5:13-14)
4 – 9 September 2012
Yaounde, Cameroon
Message of the Pope for the Congress
À Monsieur le Cardinal
Stanisław Ryłko
Président du Conseil pontifical pour... Read more
Letter from participants
to the Holy Father
| Français |
Salt of the earth, light of the world
“It is our desire to rediscover and learn to appreciate the wonderful spiritual heritage of this continent. It can be of great service to all of humanity”. These words were addressed by Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, president of the Pontifical Council... Read more
Panafrican Congress Logo
“A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. […] She gave... Read more
Prayer for the Pan-African Congress of Catholic Laity
Almighty God and Father, we thank you for having desired that the Gospel of your Son resound in Africa and that the Holy Spirit dwell in the hearts... Read more
Press release
“Go, you too, to my vineyard…”
Yaoundé, 9 September 2012 - Cardinal Stanisaw Rylko described the experience of the continental congress of the laity as a moment of particular epiphany of the Church in Africa. “We discovered her numerous spiritual resources, her great religious... Read more
An invaluable force in the Church
Yaoundé, 7 September 2012 - Today’s session at the Pan African Congress of Catholic Laity was opened by Most Reverend Jean Mbarga, Bishop of Ebolowa and consultor of the Pontifical Council for the Laity. He spoke on the topic "The lay faithful... Read more
Get up Church in Africa
Cardinal Robert Sarah, President of the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum”, invited the laity of Africa to personally encounter Jesus Christ and his love, and to consider their formation as the first... Read more
Ambassadors of Christian Hope
Pope Benedict XVI reminded the delegates attending the Pan-African Congress of the Laity that Africa is a continent of hope, and he underlined the... Read more
The Panafrican Congress of Catholic Laity opens today
Being witnesses of Jesus Christ in Africa today
“Salt of the earth...light of the World (Mt. 5:13-14)
4 – 9 September 2012
Yaoundé, Cameroon
Press release
The Pan–African Congress of Catholic Laity organised by the Pontifical Council for the Laity begins on 4th September... Read more
Background reading:

Bishop Clemens explains the significance of the Congress
During Bishop Josef Clemens’ visit to Yaounde in Cameroon for preparations for the Pan-African... Read more
Press release - Pan African Congress for the Catholic Laity
Pan African Congress for the Catholic Laity
Being... Read more
The Pontifical Council for the Laity is organising a Congress of Catholic laity in Africa
Africa is close to the heart of Benedict XVI. The pope has demonstrated this fact by visiting the... Read more
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