Holy Mass ENG
The Pontifical Council for the Laity. History, Activities, the Role of Members and Consultors
Card. Stanisław Ryłko ITA 1 2
The City at the Beginning of the Third Millennium. The Process of Urbanisation: a global cultural phenomenon
Sergio Belardinelli ITA
PANEL: The City’s Many Faces
- New Habitat, New Culture
Pierpaolo Donati
- Secularisation and the Revival of Religiosity:
Promises and Ambiguities
Massimo Introvigne ITA
- The City: Opportunities and New Poverties
Monica Ruffa
Encountering God in the Heart of the City
Scenarios of Evangelisation for the Third Millennium
XXVII Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity
Rome, 5th – 7th February 2015
Villa Aurelia
Encountering God in the Heart of the City
Encountering God in the Heart of the City 27th Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity Rome, 5-7 February 2015 “Encountering God in the Heart of the City: scenarios of evangelisation for the Third Millennium” is the theme of the 27th Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity to be held in Rome from 5 to 7 February. The Church has shown increasing interest in the issue of urbanisation, and this can be seen in the teachings of the popes from Paul VI until the... Read more
Thursday February 5th
Friday February 6th
Salvation History and the Paradigm of the City.
From Babel to the Heavenly Jerusalem
Donatella Scaiola
The Thirst for God in the Urban Desert. Evangelising a People in Search of Identity
Card. Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle
PANEL: The Joy of the Gospel in the Heart of the City
- The Urban Parish as a Community of Communities:
An Antidote to the Anonymity of the Masses
Fr. Denis Biju-Duval
- Promoting a Culture of Encounter: Going Outward, Being Leaven, Accompanying with Patience …
Giovanni Paolo Ramonda
- Beauty will save the City:
Seeking out a new aesthetics for our churches
Fr Marko Ivan Rupnik-Giovanni Carbonara
PANEL: Giving Soul to the City:
The meaning and pleasure of being a people
- The True Heart of the City:
Rediscovering Urban Peripheries
Chiara Amirante
- The Christian Citizen
Andrea Riccardi
- Social Teaching of the Church:
a Precious Resource for the Metropolis
Yago de la Cierva
Saturday February 7th
TESTIMONY: Missions in the City: Encountering the world
- Ten City Squares – Ten Commandments
Salvatore Martinez
- One Hundred City Squares
Giampiero Donnini
- Carrying Christ in the Heart of the City
Jean-Luc Moens
Audience with the Holy Father
Programmes and Projects of the Pontifical Council for the Laity: Evaluation and Ideas for the Future Mgr. Josef Clemens
Card. Stanisław Ryłko ITA