Wednesday, September 5
8:00 am Eucharistic Celebration
Homily by Card. Stanisław Ryłko | English | Français | Italiano |
9:15 am Opening ceremony
• Keynote address by the President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity Card. Stanisław Ryłko
11:20 am Lecture: Africa today: social, geopolitical, economic and cultural dimensions,
Prof. Marie-Thérèse Mengue | Français |
3:00 pm Lecture: Jesus Christ on African soil: priorities, problems and challenges for the Church in Africa, Bp Barthélemy Adoukonou
5:00 pm Presentations from Africa’s macro-regions: Experiences, testimonies and reflections regarding the priorities, problems and challenges of evangelization throughout the continent
- Eastern Africa | English |
- Afrique de l'Ouest | Français |
- Afrique Centrale | Français |
- Region des Grands Lacs | Français |
- Região África Austral | Português |
7:00 pm Evening prayer
Thursday, September 6
8:00 am Morning Prayer
8:30 am Lecture: The vocation and mission of the lay faithful in the light of the Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laici, Bishop Josef Clemens | English |
10:50 am Lecture: Education and training of the lay faithful in Africa from Christian initiation to full maturity, Card. Robert Sarah | Français |
3:00 pm Panel: Places of education and Christian formation in Africa, Chair: Beatrice Mary Wairimu Churu |English|
• The family as the foremost place of Christian formation, Laurent et Marie-Claire Baleba |Français |
• The parish as the place of Christian initiation and catechesis, Nafi Yacob Beyene | English |
• The Small Christian Communities as places for deepening and sharing the faith, Bernadette Confe | Français |
• Catholic schools and universities as places of culture and youth formation, Cristophe Andriantarijaka | Français |
5:00 pm Lecture: Youth: a gift from God and a source of hope for the Church in Africa, Dr Eugénie Tcheugoué
6:10 pm Eucharistic Celebration
Friday, September 7
8:00 am Morning Prayer
8:30 am Lecture: The lay faithful of Africa in the Church family of God: sacrament of communion and reconciliation
Bp Jean Mbarga | Français |
9:40 am Panel: Catholic laity: partners in building up the ecclesial community
• the lay faithful as active protagonists in the mission (the role of catechists)
• the lay faithful and the inculturation of the Gospel
• the lay faithful at the service of ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue
• the challenge of a fruitful collaboration between the laity and clergy
11:50 am Lecture: The appreciation of the role of African women in building up the Christian community and society, Prof. Agnès Avognon Adjaho | Français |
2:30 pm Lecture: Catholic associations, ecclesial movements and new communities
Msgr Miguel Delgado Galindo | Français |
3:00 pm Panel: Catholic associations
4:50 pm Panel: Ecclesial movements and new communities
6:30 pm Eucharistic Celebration, Homily by Card. Robert Sarah | Français |
Saturday, September 8
8:00 am Eucharistic Celebration
9:15 am Lecture: African lay faithful: salt of the earth and light of a new world according to the Apostolic Exhortation Africae Munus, Card. Peter K.A. Turkson | English |
11:30 am Lecture: Africa faces globalization: the duties of a Christian, Prof. Marguerite A. Peeters | Français |
3:00 pm Panel: The response of the laity to the challenges in Africa today
• work, politics and economy
• culture and social communications
• promoting peace and reconciliation
• service to the poor, migrants and refugees
• defense of human life, responsible stewardship of creation
• Concluding words from the President of the PCL Card. Stanisław Ryłko | Français | | Italiano |
• Reading of the concluding message of the Congress | English | |French |
7:00 pm Evening Prayer
Sunday, September 9
10:00 am Eucharistic Celebration in the Mvolye Basilica
12:00 am Marian prayer and missionary mandate ceremony